Replace values in Liquid from posted values

When you have a form that has certain fields to be submitted, these are present in your post request you can use these values to construct a personelized message. I made this include that replaces specific named tokens with their value.

{%- include "includes/tokenized_message", text_to_be_tokenized: object.text -%}

The text_to_be_tokenized is the input for this include. It expects a string and then creates an array by splitting the message on [ first.

With this you get an array of strings that are split on [. Then you loop over this array and split on ]. If the split is NAME you replace it with the value of name.

Awesome right?

{%- capture message -%}
{%- assign messageToBeTokenized = text_to_be_tokenized | split: '[' -%}
{%- for messagePart in messageToBeTokenized-%}
{%- assign mesSplit = messagePart | split: ']' -%}
{%- for split in mesSplit-%}
{%- if split == "NAME" -%}
{{ name }}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endcapture -%}
{{ message }}

In this example you have split == "NAME" which now responds with tokens in text inputs like so:

Dear email person with name: [NAME],

Thanks you fur spamming me!

Kind regards, Wonky.

This include then do some splitting magic and the result is tokenized.

Dear email person with name: replaced value with name.

This can be used for using form input and then give user a confirmation email with their name in it. Or any other value you want to replace in a message.